Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Working mom

    It has been awhile since I last posted on here. Over a year ago. Much has happened and continues to happen in the Zufall home. While everybody knows last year brought Elliott into our lives, what may not have been shared is how much depression came over me when the weather grew cold and gray.
   Around December I realized that I had a major anger issue that I don't remember having before or during my pregnancy with Elliott. I tried to combat it with meeting one on one with a lady from my church. I grew to really enjoy our every other week meetings and made choices to bring more peace into my life. Like, read my bible daily, journal often and pray more. I even made the decision to go to work as an RN. My first real nursing job. I was scared and nervous about the responsibilities I would have as nurse. Let alone, leave my two sweet boys at home in someone else's care. I only agreed to start applying for jobs because my husband (Levi) agreed to stay home and watch the boys. I am not a fan of having to pay for daycare, especially when I saved my family thousands of dollars by staying home for over 2 years.
   I applied to a few places but the Mental Health ward in Ogdensburg were the first to get back to me and I agreed to the job 3 weeks after applying. 12 hour night shift every other weekend. Its already been a journey from starting in Feb 2018. I have decided to go back to school because of work. I have decided to continue bettering myself so I can do what I've always dreamed of: travel the world as a nurse. Being in Mental health has definitely helped me to see more of my own mental health needs but also showed me how many others are struggling just like I do on a daily basis.
   Please, reach out and be kind if you see someone struggling. Mental health is still not as well known as heart disease or cancer, but I'm sure it affects everyone at some place in their life.
